Announcements – August 30, 2024

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This coming Lord’s Day we will complete our summer preaching series on ‘The Gracious Commands of the Gospel.’   My prayer all along has been that through these messages we would come to a deeper understanding of the vital link between our Lord’s grace in salvation and our walk in obedience to His will and Word.  On Sunday we will conclude our examination of the gracious command found in 1 Peter 2:21, that we should closely “follow” our Savior “in His steps,” especially His life of suffering on our behalf.
Our text will be 1 Peter 4:17-19 where the Apostle Peter links our afflictions with the wise and sovereign “will” of our Father, who is the “faithful Creator” (v. 19).  Here, Peter will offer us a two-fold exhortation in light of the truth that our Father in Heaven rules all things, even our experiences of suffering.  First, we must always “entrust our souls” to His wise and faithful care. Then, we must continue to serve His Kingdom by “doing good,” even in our afflictions.
A Look Ahead
On September 8 at 9:15 AM, Sunday School resumes for the Fall semester.  As always, there will be classes for all ages.  Our Adults will be studying The Lord’s Prayer, and our main textbook will be The Prayer of Our Lord, by Dr. R. C. Sproul (Ligonier Ministries: 2009).  Be sure to secure your copy and plan on studying with us as we learn how to pray!
Also on September 8, we will resume our sermon series on the Prophecy of Ezekiel.  I will be preaching eleven messages from this astounding Old Testament book leading up to our celebration of Advent 2024 (beginning on December 1).  Let me encourage you to continue your reading of Ezekiel as we learn how his ancient message to the captive Israelites speaks so powerfully to our own time.
I love you all so very much,



Meals and Fellowship
• Join us next week for Second Sunday Lunch, immediately after worship. A sign up genius will go out by email in the coming days.
• Next Sunday, we are beginning a weekly fellowship time in the Narthex starting at 10 o’clock. We invite you to come early to enjoy coffee and refreshments while greeting each other and extending a welcoming word to any visitors  joining us for worship.

Midweek Church Fellowship – New this Fall, please join us for church-wide fellowship, dinner, and discipleship for all ages on Wednesday, September 25th from 5:30 to 7:30pm at the church. Dinner will be Lawler’s bbq. Adult discipleship classes include: (1) Gospel Implications for the Care of the Aged and (2) The Calling of One Another Ministry in the Local Church.

New Members Class – The next New Members Class will be on Sunday, September 29, 2-5pm with dinner served at 5pm. This class must be completed prior to becoming a member. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex.

Children’s Ministry – Sunday School begins next week. Please complete online registration for your children and youth.

Women’s Ministry
• Family Forum – Fellowship and teaching for our moms with elementary-aged children and younger will be Wednesday, September 18th from 6:30-8:30pm at the home of Leslie Jeffery.
• Fall Bible Studies are set to resume September 10th & 11th.  Sign-up sheets in the narthex Sunday.
-Tuesday mornings, 9:30am at the church – Amy Schnorrenberg – “Marriage: 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs to Make” by Paul David Tripp.
-Tuesday evenings, 6:00pm at Timbers Edge Clubhouse – Cynthia Keen – “Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom” by Jen Wilkin.
-Wednesday mornings, 10:00am at the church – Kathy Cooper – “Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom” by Jen Wilkin.
• Women’s monthly luncheon is held the first Thursday of the month at Timbers Edge Clubhouse at 11am.
Senior Sisters monthly meeting is on the third Thursday from 10-11:30am.
• Senior Sisters weekly exercise class meets Tuesdays at the church, 10:00 to 11:30am.

Men’s Ministry
• Men’s Friday Bible study resumes on September 13 from 11:30am – 12:30pm, continuing the study of The Revelation.
• Starting September 3rd, there will be a men’s devotion/prayer time for young and mid-career men at the office of Paul Matheny on Tuesdays at 6:30am. This is a great time to get to know other men in the church. Please contact Adam Turnbull for details.
• Senior Fellows – Next breakfast will be at 9:00am on Tuesday, September 3rd.

Youth Ministry – Sunday night youth fellowship will resume next Sunday from 4:30 to 6:30pm at the church house.

Career Ministry – Weekly fellowship and Bible study will resume next Sunday, 7:00pm at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry studying “The Knowledge of the Holy” by A. W. Tozer. Contact Jim or Sharon for details or any questions.

See for detailed news and upcoming events.


Care and Healing – Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Collins Bailey, Maurice Belrose, Bill Cowley, Amy Fortenberry, Ken Galecki (brother of Leon Galecki), Sonny Henry, Elizabeth Holton, Joe Prinzinger (father of Joseph Prinzinger), Joe Sims, and Steve Terry

Expecting – Please pray for the Thornhills due in September and the Kings due in October.

Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries:
Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland)
Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand)
Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand)
Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH)
Marcus and Jessica Nobles (RUF at Alabama A&M)
Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA)
Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada)
Dieter and Marty Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL)
The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center
Adam & Lisa Venable (Southside Presbyterian Church)