Announcements – January 1 2016

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I trust that this day has already proven to be a most blessed start to the New Year for you and your families.  We are so thankful for another year of life and of service to our faithful Savior and Lord!

On Sunday our first sermon of the New Year will come from the very last psalm, Psalm 150.  And what a glorious ending it is to the divinely inspired ‘hymn book’ of Old Testament Israel!  This final psalm contains the command to “Praise the Lord” (vv.1, 6), and it supplies the answers to four practical questions about the praise of our sovereign God:  Where is the Lord to be praised?  Why is the Lord to be praised?  How is the Lord to be praised? By whom is the Lord to be praised?  We will also give careful consideration to what the praise of God does for and inthose of us who have found His mercy and love in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

As you prepare for Lord’s Day worship, it would be very good to read and meditate on the last five psalms, 146-150.  These final five make up the last ‘book’ that we find within the psalter, and each is composed around the divine command to “Praise the Lord” (146:1; 147:1; 148:1; 149:1; 150:1).


No Sunday School

Remember, there is No Sunday School This Sunday. Fellowship starts at 10:00 AM and Worship follows at 10:30 AM.  We will resume Sunday School for all ages on January 10.

Coming in February . . . ‘Practical Parenting for the Glory of God’


On each of the four Wednesday nights in February (3, 10, 17, 24) we will be having a special time of teaching and fellowship for all parents and parents-to-be (and grandparents!). We will be studying what the Bible says about raising our children for the glory of God. We will meet from 6:00 to 7:00 PM each of the four nights at the Church.  There will be childcare and teaching for children as well.

For the children, Ashley Turnbull will lead a catechism class for ages 4 years through 5th grade. This is a great opportunity for the children to study the first five catechism questions through Bible lessons, songs, and activities. It will be both interactive and exciting for the kids! She will need several non-parent adult volunteers to serve alongside her. Please email Ashley to be involved.  A Nursery will be provided for infants and toddlers (ages 2-3)Please RSVP to Ashley with your family’s name if you plan to attend or volunteer.

Have a most blessed weekend, and I can’t wait to see you on Sunday!
