Order of Worship – February 14 2016

Call to Worship: Psalm 119:171-172

Prayer of Adoration:

Old Testament Lesson: Exodus 22:1-8

Song: How Firm a Foundation – Hymn 94 v.1-3,6

Song: To Thee I Come – CCLI #5445851

To thee I come, a sinner poor, and wait for mercy at thy door
Indeed I’ve nowhere else to flee, Oh God be merciful to me!
To thee I come, a sinner weak, and scarce know how to pray or speak
From fear and weakness set me free, Oh God be merciful to me!

To thee I come, a sinner vile, upon me Lord vouchsafe to smile
Mercy through blood, I make my plea, Oh God be merciful to me!
To thee I come, a sinner great, and well thou knowest all my state
Yet full forgiveness is with thee, Oh God be merciful to me!

To thee I come, a sinner lost, nor have I aught wherein to trust
But where thou art, Lord I would be, Oh God be merciful to me!
To glory bring me Lord at last, and then when all my sins are passed
With all the saints, I’ll then agree, Oh God was merciful to me!
Oh God was merciful to me!

New Testament Lesson: 2 Peter 1:16-21

Corporate Confession of Faith:
The Belgic Confession of Faith–Article 26: The Intercession of Christ

We believe that we have no access to God except through the one and only Mediator and Intercessor: Jesus Christ the Righteous. He therefore was made man, uniting together the divine and human natures, so that we human beings might have access to the divine Majesty. Otherwise we would have no access.

Song: Blessed Assurance – Hymn 693 v.1-3

Scripture Reading and Prayer for the Church:
Dr. Michael Calvert, Teaching Elder – Matthew 14:22-36

Preaching of the Word: Dr. Michael Calvert, Teaching Elder
“Rahab and the Spies: Part One”– Joshua 2:1-24

Responsive Reading and Prayer of Confession: Psalm 99:1-5

Pastor: The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!
People: He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake!
Pastor: The Lord is great in Zion; He is exalted over all the peoples.
People: Let them praise Your great and awesome name! Holy is He!
Pastor: The King in His might loves justice.
People: You have established equity; You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.
Pastor: Exalt the Lord our God; worship at His footstool!
All: Holy is He!

Assurance of Pardon: Isaiah 40:1-2


Song: Better Is One Day – CCLI #1097451

How lovely is your dwelling place, oh Lord Almighty
My soul longs and event faints for You
For here my heart is satisfied, within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings

Better is one day in your courts, better is one day in your house
Better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere

One thing I ask and I would seek, to see Your beauty
To find you in the place your glory dwells


My heart and flesh cry out, for You, the living God
Your Spirit’s water for my soul
I’ve tasted and I’ve seen, come once again to me
I will draw near to You, I will draw near to You


Benediction: 2 Peter 3:18

May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

*Professing and baptized members in good standing of a Church in which Jesus Christ is proclaimed as Lord and Savior are warmly invited to join us in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.


Guests: Welcome to Christ Presbyterian Church. We want to thank you for joining us for worship! If this is your first time visiting our church, please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offerings box at the back of the sanctuary. We’d like to send you some info about our church and our ministries. Also, if you have any needs or would like additional information, please see one of the elders or deacons, or send an email to christprespca@gmail.com.

Parenting Class: Continuing on Wednesday evenings throughout February, Pastor Mike is teaching a class entitled “Practical Parenting for the Glory of God” from 6 to 7 pm at the church. Children ages 4 yrs to 5th grade are in Catechism class (bible lesson, games, & singing) led by Ashley. Family fellowship follows from 7 to 7:30 pm. Nursery is provided for infants and toddlers. Please see Ashley Turnbull if you are interested in more information.

New Members Class: There will be a class for those interested in becoming members of our church on Feb 21 and 28 from 3 to 5 PM. Attending the class does not obligate you to join, but both classes are mandatory for anyone wishing to become a church member. Sign up in the narthex, and child care will be provided.

Ladies Spring Retreat: Ladies will not want to miss this chance to get away and fellowship together in beautiful Mentone, AL! March 11-12 at Camp Alpine. Speaker is Gretchen McKee. Cost is $50, and you can sign up and pay via the link on the church website. More details with retreat schedule posted there, too.

Calendar/Other Announcements: As always, check the website www.christpreshamptoncove.org for additional news and upcoming events.



Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Chris Smotherman, Elizabeth Holton, Janet Chou, Ramona Edwards, Katie Brown, Bill Cowley, and Suzanne Nimon.

Expecting/adopting parents: Please pray for the Johnson family as they continue in their adoption process.

Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Reid and Kelli Jones (RUF UAH); Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky Garcia (seminary student)