Announcements – March 11 2016

Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Joshua 4:1-24 provides us with the account of another unusual event that occurred in the life of the Covenant nation as Joshua obediently led God’s people across the Jordan River into the land of Canaan.  You can read about the rather strange divine order given through Joshua to the people in verses 2-3. Twelve men were to be selected from the people, one man from each of the twelve tribes of Israel.  And then, these men were to collect twelve stones from the middle of the river and take them to the other side, placing them in the location of their first encampment in the Promised Land.  In addition to this, Joshua also set up a monument of twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan, leaving them there to become visible in the river when the waters were at a lower level following the spring rains (v. 9). The first collection of stones was eventually erected at a place called “Gilgal” (v. 20), and it was to remain there as a “memorial forever” (v. 7), giving silent testimony to the greatness and faithfulness of God and promoting the “fear” of the Lord (v. 24).

So, what was all of this about? And what is the significance of the construction of two stony monuments, one in the river and the other on the land?  The blessed answer may be found in verses 21-24On Sunday, we will consider Joshua 4:1-24 and begin to explore the riches and eternal relevance of yet another ‘Great Event in the History of Redemption.’

Pray for Our Ladies’ Retreat

 As you know, tonight and tomorrow our ladies will be enjoying a time of fellowship and Bible study over at Camp Alpine, near Mentone. Let’s remember them in our prayers as they spend this special time together.

Time Change This Saturday Night

Once again that dreaded weekend has arrived that robs us of sixty precious minutes of sleep on Saturday night.  Be sure to set your clock forward one hour before bed on Saturday.  While this is indeed a yearly pain, the tomb of our Lord is empty, and He is worthy of the worship and praise of His redeemed people! Let us “come before Him with joyful singing”–Psalm 100:2.

Men’s Spring Bible Study Continues Sunday Evening

Our Men’s Spring Bible Study got off to a wonderful start last week as we began examining the subject, “Christ: Our Prophet, Priest, and King.”  This week we will be looking at how our Lord Jesus fulfills the Old Testament office of Prophet, and the powerful implications this great truth has for all Christian men.  All the men of the Church and visitors are invited, and we start at 5:00 PM in the Education Building.

 Missing Jerry

Our hearts are still heavy having learned of the death of our brother Jerry Bridges.  While I could add very little to the many tributes that have been offered in his memory, I am full of gratitude for Jerry and Jane, and for the way they lovingly ministered to our Church family over these years. Of the eleven years we have officially been in existence as a Church body, Jerry and Jane came to visit us on nine occasions! That’s hard to believe, but it reveals Jerry’s abiding love for the local Church, and especially for a small congregation like ours.

Jerry was a man of the deepest humility and grace.  Never flashy or fancy. He was just a simple servant of Christ, faithfully using his gifts for the glory of His Savior and the building up of the Body of Christ.  And most remarkably, Jerry was used so powerfully by the Lord in the midst of great suffering and bodily afflictions.  As the years went by, Jerry grew physically weaker with each visit to our Church. His last weekend with us was in May of 2015. When I picked up Jerry and Jane at the airport he was in obvious pain, he moved much more slowly than before, and he could hardly stand upright.  Yet when he began to speak, he was filled with the strength that the Spirit supplies, and I would say that his last visit was the best and richest of all of them.  Amazing!

Jerry’s impact on us will continue through the years, for he was used mightily of the Lord to teach and apply the infallible, all-sufficient, ever-enduring, life-giving Word of the cross.  Let us give glory to God that He allowed us the magnificent privilege of learning from a most faithful servant of the King!  And please join me in holding up Jane and their children and grandchildren in your prayers.

I love you all, always!
