Announcements – June 3 2022

Sermon Preview:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

Beginning today through June 18, Carol and I will be away on vacation. In my absence, it will be our joy to welcome two of our Presbytery’s church planters to our pulpit.

This coming Sunday June 5, Rev. Adam Venable will preach for us from Acts 16:25-34 on “The Conversion of the Philippian Jailer.” Adam is planting a PCA church in south Huntsville, having previously served as the RUF Director at the University of Alabama-Birmingham.

Then on June 12, Rev. Dieter Paulson, who has planted Redeemer PCA Church Scottsboro, will be preaching from 1 Corinthians 3:1-9 on “Believing in a Big God.”

Please lift up these dear brothers in your prayers as they come to minister God’s Word to our church family.

Summer ‘Homework’

As I mentioned to you a couple of weeks ago, I will be preaching through the Epistle of Jude this summer. As we will discover, the message of this little book is a timely one for sure. I would encourage you to begin getting familiar with Jude by reading it several times in a couple of different translations of the Bible. Plus, you will also benefit from securing a good commentary. Let me suggest The Message of 2 Peter & Jude, by Dick Lucas and Christopher Green (The Bible Speaks Today Series, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1995).

Also, please continue to pray most fervently for the upcoming meeting of the General Assembly of the PCA (June 21-24 in Birmingham). Pray that our denomination will faithfully resist the temptation to compromise on the supreme authority of Holy Scripture, and will courageously uphold the ‘non-negotiables’ of the Christian faith that, as Jude says, have been “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3).

I love you all so very much, and I always have you on my heart and in my prayers,



Summer Schedule:

Sunday School is on hiatus and will resume September 11. During the Summer, fellowship will begin each week at 10 AM, with our regular service of worship beginning at 10:30 AM.

Church Directory:

If you haven’t yet, please use the link below to sign up in the new church directory.

Children’s Ministry:

VBS is this week! Please pray for the participants and volunteers.

Youth Group Summer Fellowship Schedule

VBS – June 6th-8th
Game Night (Turnbull House) – Thursday, June 30th
Ultimate & Pizza (Church House) – Thursday, July 28th
Pool Night Cookout & 9 Square (Location TBD) – Thursday, August 18th

Church Work Day:

On Saturday, June 18, starting at 9 AM we will have a Church and Church House Work Day to clean the windows, clear the Church East Woodline and pressure wash the walkways. We should be finished by 12 noon.

If you (men, women, teens) can help, please sign up at the desk in the Narthex or  email: Also sign up to loan us the equipment needed for the tasks.

We will have great fellowship while caring for Christ’s Church.

Senior Fellows:

On June 14 at 9 AM the Senior Fellows will have breakfast and fellowship in the fellowship hall. Please email us at if you plan to join us.

UAH RUF Leader to Discuss Today’s College Spiritual Environment

Vinnie Athey, UAH RUF Leader, will discuss Today’s College Spiritual Environment at 9:30 AM Tues, June 14 in Fellowship Hall following the Senior Fellows Breakfast.  Students approaching college and parents are encourage to come hear Vinnie. He will also discuss how we can better prepare our students for this environment.

Women’s Ministry:

Monthly Lunch: Our next monthly luncheon will be on July 7 beginning at 11 AM at the Timbers Edge Clubhouse located at 1 Timbers Main, Brownsboro. It’s potluck – feel free to bring a dish or just yourself. If you have questions or transportation needs please contact Pat Galecki at 256-244-0612


Career/Singles meet on Sundays at the Daughtry home at 5:30 PM.

Prayer Requests:

Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Collins Bailey, Virdia Jastrebski, Ramona Edwards, Bill Dent, Cynthia Dent, Steve Terry, Bill Cowley, Elizabeth Holton, and Jean Terry. Additional details may be found in the Ministries/Prayer Requests section of the church website.
Expecting: Please pray for the Jacksons (June); the Thornhills (August); the Thompsons (September); the Elys (November).
Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries: Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland); Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand); Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand); Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH); Marcus and Jessica Nobles (RUF at Alabama A&M); Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA); Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada); Dieter Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL); Gannon Miles (seminary student); The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center.

Online Donations:

If you would like to give to Christ Presbyterian, you can do so at the following link:


general inquiries:
benevolence needs:
counsel and ministry needs:
men’s ministry:
women’s ministry:
children’s ministry:
youth ministry:
senior fellows:


288 Old Highway 431
Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763