Announcements – May 19, 2023

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
This Sunday we will complete our look at the episode recorded by Luke in chapter 11, and verses 29-32 of his Gospel.  In this passage, our Lord tells a large crowd of followers that their demand for a sign from Him is the indication that their hearts are sinful.  It is “an evil generation” that “seeks for a sign.”
Then, Jesus speaks of the one sign that has already been given to His generation, and a much greater one like it that soon will come from heaven. It is, “the sign of Jonah.”  I look forward to probing this portion of our Father’s Word with you on Sunday!
This Sunday will also be our last week of Sunday School until after Labor Day.  Beginning next week, our Sunday Morning Fellowship Time we be from 10:00-10:30 AM, with Worship starting at our regular time of 10:30 AM.
Please keep praying for our Vacation Bible School that will kick off in just a couple of weeks, June 12-15.  Please lift up Mrs. Anne Swanner, our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, and her team of teachers and workers who will lead our little ones in a wonderful week of learning more about our Savior and King.
Our hearts are very heavy this morning at the sad news of the death of Dr. Harry Reeder, the Senior Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham. Dr. Reeder was killed in an automobile crash early yesterday.  As we pray and grieve for his dear family and our sister congregation, we rejoice in the courageous preaching ministry and leadership of Dr. Reeder.  I am so very grateful for the way our Lord used him not only in the Briarwood family, but in our wider PCA family.   He leaves behind a God-glorifying legacy of faithfulness to the Word of God and the Gospel, and we will all miss him dearly.
I love you all more than I can express,


Welcome to Christ Presbyterian Church! Thank you for joining us for worship. If this is your first time visiting our church, please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offerings box at the back of the sanctuary. If you have any needs or would like additional information, please see one of our elders or deacons. Finally, if you require hearing assistance or a pew cushion, please see one of our men in the sound booth at the rear of the sanctuary.

Children’s Ministry
• VBS volunteers meeting on May 21st at 3pm at the church.

• VBS 2023: The Race is On! June 12-15 9:00am-12:00pm. Registration and more info on the Church Center app.
• Nursery: If you would like to serve in our nursery during service on Sundays, please contact Amanda Dean.
Women’s Ministry
• Senior Sisters meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday, 10-11:30am
• Senior Sisters exercise class meets Mondays at the church, 10-11:30am
• Monthly lunch first Thursday of the month at Timbers Edge Clubhouse at 11
Men’s Ministry
• Senior Fellows will have breakfast on the first Tuesday of each month at 9 AM at the church. For more information contact us at
• Senior Fellows Our next breakfast will be at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, June 6. At 10:00 AM Marcus Nobles, RUF Leader at Alabama A&M, will discuss today’s college environment for Christian students. Students and parents are invited to join us at 10:00.
• Men’s Friday Bible Study – 11:30-12:30 at the church.
Youth Ministry – Youth will meet tonight from 4:30 to 6:30 at the church house.
Career Ministry – Bible study & fellowship meets at the home of Jim and Sharon Daughtry, Sundays at 5:30 PM.
See for detailed news and upcoming events.

Healing: Please pray for the health of the following individuals: Collins Bailey, Perry Calvert, Bill Cowley, and Elizabeth Holton, and Steve Terry.

Expecting – Please pray for the Paseurs due in August, the Prinzingers, Lancasters, Elliotts and Joe and Jennifer Calvert, all expecting in October and the Tomlinsons due in November.

Ministries: Please pray for the following missionaries and ministries:
• Seth and Jessica Lewis (Ireland)
• Steve and Rita Williams (New Zealand)
• Noah and Karleigh Stephens (Thailand)
• Vinnie and Molly Athey (RUF at UAH)
•Marcus and Jessica Nobles (RUF at Alabama A&M)
• Ken and Angie Burnett (FCA)
• Franky and Alaina Garcia (church plant in Canada)
• Dieter and Marty Paulson (church plant in Scottsboro, AL)
• Gannon Miles (seminary student)
• The Huntsville Pregnancy Resource Center.