If you confessed to me that you are a little tired of hearing about false prophets (from our recent sermons on Ezekiel 13), I would completely understand! “How much more…
The “disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20), the Apostle John, strongly exhorted Christians in the late first century to be careful to avoid gullibility as they encountered anyone allegedly preaching…
Of the many things the Book of Ezekiel is known for, one of its most prominent themes is that of false prophecy and its judgment. It may be the case…
This Lord’s Day we will resume our preaching series on the Book of Ezekiel. Our text will be Ezekiel 4:1-8 (be sure to study the larger context of 4:1-5:17). As…
Over the last several weeks, we have been studying the initial three chapters of the magnificent prophecy of Ezekiel. We’ve been amazed at the stunning and often perplexing visons of…
This coming Lord’s Day, we will continue our examination of Ezekiel 3:17-21. Our topic, as prompted by the text, is how we are to listen to a sermon. We’ve suggested…
Let me ask you to do a quick calculation in your mind. See if you can come up with a ball-park estimate of how many sermons you’ve heard in your…
In Romans 10:14 the Apostle Paul raises one of the biggest questions of life: “how shall they hear without a preacher?” Then, just three verses later he makes what is…
Is preaching still relevant? Do we really need it in order to love and live for our Lord? Is there still a place for preaching in the Church? I am…
As we all know, central to the Biblical story of redemption is the little word “sin.” When we begin to follow God’s Word as it reveals to us the true…