In our Trinity Hymnal there is a wonderful Advent hymn that you may not be all that familiar with. It is entitled, ‘Comfort, Comfort Ye My People.’ Its title and…
On this Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, I wanted to introduce our 2024 Advent sermons and our text for this coming Lord’s Day Worship. This year I will be preaching a…
Whenever you purchase something brand new, it might be a watch, a microwave, or an automobile, the ‘newness’ of it not only relates to its recent construction in the factory,…
For the last couple of weeks, our Sunday sermons have been on the “new covenant” that both Ezekiel and Jeremiah preached and wrote about as instructed and inspired by the…
Through our recent Sunday morning messages from the Book of Ezekiel, we have learned that the Lord promised the captive Israelites that He Himself would execute what we have come…
As we come near to the end of our series of messages on the Book of Ezekiel, we will spend the next two Sundays probing the wonderful promises contained in…
One of the most important Biblical words related to the Gospel is the word “peace.” And, as you know, this word is also front and center on the minds of…
One of the most important titles that our Savior gave Himself is that of “the good shepherd.” We find this most comforting designation set forth in John 10:11– “I am…
As we gather for worship this coming Lord’s Day, our message from the great prophecy of Ezekiel will come from Ezekiel 20:1-44 (with special focus upon 20:39-44). If you take…
Our sermon this Sunday morning will center around the last handful of verses in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 50:22-26. Joseph will make an odd request to his…