August 27, 2023

Do You Not Think That I Cannot Appeal to My Father?

Passage: Matthew 26:53
Service Type:
Each week as we gather for worship before Our Lord, we focus upon His death for our sins.  In fact, the vicarious, atoning death of Jesus for sinners like us is the pervasive theme and motive of our worship, adoration, gratitude, and our service.
Like all of the great truths of the Gospel, this one is also subject to becoming less amazing over time as we are continually exposed to it.  Perhaps we could say that there is always the danger of our becoming desensitized to such Biblical doctrines.
This propensity that we all share, to become less amazed and impressed over time, is at the heart of the question that we will consider this Lord’s Day.  We will return to a very familiar scene; the betrayal and arrest of Jesus, which took place near the Mount of Olives in the Garden of Gethsemane.  We will examine this remarkable episode from the perspective set forth by the Apostle Matthew in Matthew 26:47-56.
The Lord’s question for our study is found in verse 53: “Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels?”
As you prepare for Sunday, be sure to read the other Gospel accounts of this same event as recorded in Mark 14:43-52, Luke 22:47-51, and John 18:1-11.