August 13, 2023

Have You Not Read that He Who Created Them Made Them Male and Female? – Part Two

Passage: Matthew 19:4
Service Type:
As we gather before our Lord this coming Sunday for worship, we will once again consider our Savior’s question that is recorded for us in Matthew 19:4
Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female?
So far we have discovered that in this question, initially aimed at the Pharisees, there is a word from Jesus . . .
on the written Word of God
on creation
on humanity
on human sexuality
on marriage
Obviously, this passage, and the words of our Savior set forth here, touches the very epicenter of the current controversy over human sexuality, gender, and the meaning of marriage.  And, as a consequence, it is essential that we understand the full depth of our Lord’s teaching.
This Lord’s Day, we will examine the final three of these subjects that are inherent in the unusual question that Jesus asked that day.